1977 CESSNA T310R
Rangely, Colorado
AFTT: 3933.9, SMOH: 1099.3, SMOH(2): 1096.5
N3517G is a T310R model, producing a smooth ride and great climb performance. Offering a combination of speed and load-carrying ability, it seats 6 people, with extra luggage room and plenty of fuel capacity. Turbocharged Continental TSIO-520 engines, 1099.9 and 1096.5 SMOH. 3-blade McCauley 3AF32C87 props, both 1096.5 SPOH. Avionics: GMA 340 Audio Panel w/MB, GNS 430 GPS, ARC RT428A nav/comm, ARC R446A ADF, ARC RT359A 300 Transponder (no ADS-B), HSI,
ARC 400B Navomatic autopilot. Last annual 2023; will be sold with fresh annual. Last IFR cert 2018. ELT battery due 2027. Useful load 1567.2. Interior & Exterior 5, boots need replacement. Located at Rangely Airport (4V0), Colorado. For more photos and information, be sure to visit our website, www.nospinaircraft.com.
Seller Name: No-Spin Aircraft Sales
Seller Phone: 719-650-8667
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